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Find your Path

Find your Path with Headway Horizons NLP Coaching 

Online Services offered

Therapy Rooms at:

Clement Drive, Peterborough, PE2 9RQ

"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." Epictetus

Are you ready to turn your dreams into your reality?

 A fitter, healthier lifestyle - you can have it!

  • A new career or a promotion - Why not?

  • Fears, phobias, addictions, bad habits and anxiety - Let them all go!

  • Raised confidence, self-esteem and life happiness - Are you ready?

  • Happier kids and easier parenting - Contact me!

 What can I help adult clients with?

Destructive Behaviour Patterns, Negative States such as Depression, Low Self-esteem, Anxiety, Releasing Negative Emotions, Releasing Limiting Beliefs, Phobias, Negative Habits including eating and smoking, Change Personal History, Ineffective Strategies for Motivation, Relationships, Goal Setting, Work-Life Balance, Parenting and more….

What can I help children and teenagers with?

Anger and Emotion Management, Relationship Issues, SEND, Low Self-Esteem, Confidence and Emotional Resilience, Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination, Exam Stress, Ineffective Learning and Revision Strategies and more……

 I believe each of us deserves the time and space to develop our own unique and fulfilling life path. 

Book a FREE ONE HOUR CONSULTATION to find out about the services I can offer you and your family through  NLP Coaching and Therapy and Licensed NLP4Kids and NLP4Parents Sessions. Think Life Coaching, NLP, Timeline Therapy and Hypnotherapy. 

NLP Peterborough, Hypnotherapy Peterborough, Life Coaching Peterborough.jpg

 I am a highly-qualified and experienced professional in the field of education and self-improvement. Since 1996, I have been teaching, coaching and mentoring throughout my career within both the Public and Voluntary Sector. I have  over 20 years’ experience of training, coaching and leading professionals, children and families from a wide range of backgrounds within a variety of organisations and educational settings. 


Realise your Dreams with NLP Coaching

"Believe that you can and you're half way there."  Theodore Roosevelt

Do you hope and dream for more? What could it be possible for you to achieve?

  • NLP will give you the answers.

  • Sometimes we have unrealised dreams and a sense of what we want to change.

  • NLP Coaching clears the way to our goals.

  • Sometimes we know that where we are now could be even better but have no idea how.

  • NLP shines a spotlight on the ideas inside.

  • Sometimes we lack the motivation or confidence to act.

  • NLP anchors self belief.

  • Sometimes we are full of energy but have a lack of clear direction. Life can feel like a confusing maze…. a paradox of too many options and daunting brick walls.

  • NLP Coaching turns the maze into an adventure.


“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”

William James


Contact Me

Want to hear more about how I can support you to transform your life? Looking for ways to boost the day to day happiness and self-esteem of your children? Looking for new and effective parenting strategies? Use the form below to ask anything you want. 

To find out more about a free initial ONLINE or face to face consultation for parenting and/or for children and teenagers,  just use the form below.

If you wish to, you can also book the free initial consultation straight away, by clicking on  Make a Booking.

Follow up sessions can also be booked through Make a Booking.

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Headway Horizons


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07834 213366


29 Clement Drive, Peterborough, PE2 9RQ, UK

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